Stop abruptly and almost rear end a car (on the freeway).
Blow through a stop sign. Get lost. Wedding, nine hours. Adorable first
look. Sweet bride/groom photos. Miss the kiss. Camera breaks with two
hours left of the wedding. Wedding finished. Camera still not working.
Drive home at 11. Go to friends' concert with husband. Invite a married
couple over to talk and cook a turkey. Couple leaves. 2:00 am, sleep.
Wake up: 6:00. Barn duty. Drive to pick up fellow photographer. Wedding day begins at venue, 9:15. Camera still broken. Two hours pass, no prevail. Husband comes, bearing two cameras. One with half a battery and no charger, the other with a 32gb card, but lacking the capability to shoot in raw. Third camera arrives (thank you Sarah), no card. Transfer card from first camera to third camera. Day saved. Husband and Sarah are the best. Wedding ends, 9:00. Offload photos of camera two, battery dies while loading. Offload photos of camera three, computer can't read the CR2 files. Panic. Sing all the way home with Husband. Drop off fellow photographer. Print class schedules at school for the next morning. Try to update computer info to read files. Panic again. Drive home. 11:00, completely beat, sleep.
Wake up at 6. Barn duty. Edit photos. School until 2:30. Realize that eight classes this semester is not feasible. Sleep. Barn duty. Research new cameras. Cook. Clean. Read. Cook again. Call mom. Sleep.
Aye carumba! How was your weekend? And your Monday?