Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why God is Good.

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I know this blog really doesn't have one specific 'theme' per say, to it. But lately I've been posting a lot about God. It's all because when something impacts me deeply, I can't help but share!
So TODAY, here's why God is great:
1) I couldn't stop laughing at church this morning. 
2) Joy is so contagious. 
3) As I went to pay for gas this afternoon, I couldn't stop smiling. The employees/guests inside were extra smily too. 
4) On my way home, I prayed about the money for the Haiti trip this summer, once I walked inside, my parents told me it's all taken care of! Praise GOD! 

Today, I hope you laugh. Laughter is such a delight, I can't imagine life without it.
Who did you laugh with today? What did you laugh at?   


  1. That's so cool! I'm glad you're laughing lots. Laughing is good for you! ;)

  2. It's so great that God gives us those little nudges every once in a while (or every single day), just letting us know, "I'm here! I'm with you all of the time!" I love that:D
    I've noticed that I've been laughing/giggling at my three wonderful fur balls:) Jack, Indy, and Lucy (my mom has a blog about them, you should check it out sometime!)

  3. Katie you are a breath of fresh air :)


  4. Laughter is wonderful indeed!
    Melba, that makes me smile. Thank you!


  5. I love your blog, sista~ God is SO good all the time, every day!
